Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good News.....I hope.

Well Chuck talked to the guy (Charles Lee) about the house that he's re-doing. Charles said that "he's glad that Chuck called him back." Out of all the people that he talked to Chuck and I were the most honest with him and he liked out style. So I think we might have the job. I'm not going to get all crazy about it, it's not a sure thing just yet, but it's nice to think about. The whole job is going to be around $100,000 and about half that is in materials. So Chuck and I could make about $25,000 each. Also as soon as this one is done Charles is taking out a line of credit and buying another one and if he likes our work...we'll work on the next one.

So for those of you that pray...put in a couple for me.

Ok I have to eat now....I took some meds for another tooth ache and I forgot to eat.


De Boll Weevil

Monday, May 01, 2006


One last thing...JB's tits.........great.....4 squirts out of 5

The Last Few Days

Ok let me just say that I'm sorry for any readers of this here blog who are worried that their has been no new writings. I've been working on my plumbing and Chuck and I finally got it done, with a few leaks here and there but I can pea in my own toilet. I however at this moment don't have hot water. We bought a tankless waterheater that should run on 220 but we have it hooked up to 110 so that might be some of the problem. So later this morning I'm gonna take a look at it. Then I have major house cleaning to do. Oh yeah Chuck and I also have to lay the tile.....but no big deal.

Now for some cool stuff.....

Chuck has introduced me to a game called Criminal Country that can be found at I know you can't get to sure how to make links on this thing). It's a online text based RPG. It's been a lot of fun to Jeff and Eric you guys need to sign up. My name on there is look me up. Oh if you do sign up Jeff or Eric...I'll help out with money to get you guys started.

Atticus is doing better he seems to not be in pain as much. He's still not putting all the weight on his leg but I hope in the next couple of weeks, with some more rest , he'll be good.

I came down to home for a bit early Saturday morning to get my mail and see my mom for a bit. I didn't realize I much I miss my home and area down there. My wife also misses it quite a bit but I hope things get better soon.

Ok I must get started on my long day of work around the house and my shop.

I'll try and keep this up to date.

De Boll Weevil