Thursday, May 08, 2008

Yeah I'm Writen' Somethin'

Ok so I re-did my blog. I think it's cool now. LOL. I've been thinking about a new post about music. So I'm trying to get it figured out. So I hope to work on that shortly. So how is everyone doing out there. Good I hope.

Ok I'm off to have some coffee.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am having some coffee right now oh evil Weevil.

A little about music.

Not to sound too melodramatic but Music saved my life.

There have been times in my life when without the escape of music, I am sure that I would have been in real trouble.

Music for me has been more than just pleasurable background noise. Music has been a release from the anxieties and stress of everyday life, an expression of the things that at times we all keep bottled up inside ourselves and has even been an old friend.

I have been told that I am a music snob and that I lose interest in a band if more than 500 people listen to them.

I am not a music snob but I do need substance. The one requirement that I have for picking music is that it should convey something in essence metaphoric metaphysical or physical.

There is no requirement about what is has to convey.

Public Enemy: “one side of the street is the church, across is a liquor store, both of them keeping us poor .” (This speaks quite articulately of the struggles of the inner city.)

Elvis Costello: “The sky was just a purple bruise and the ground was iron and you fell all around the town until I looked the same.” (To me says love that just isn’t what you thought that it would be.)

Tom Waits: Well my time went so quickly, I went lickety-splitly, Out to my ol' 55 And I pulled away slowly, feelin' so holy God knows I was feelin' alive. (I think that this is the feeling of going out in your car for a drive maybe for the first time by yourself and that great feeling of freedom.)

Nina Simone: “I committed crime lord I needed, Crime of being hungry and poor, I left the grocery store man bleeding , when they caught me robbing his store” (Poor and hungry and moving)

Music is personal everyone gets something different from the experience.

I personally find little redeeming and or moving about modern pop or young country. They both say the same things and to the same audience, the masses. It is homogenized, pasteurized and painted to look pretty. It’s put in a nice shiny wrapper and bulk produced. We are deluged by it on our TVs, radios, magazines and the internet.

This saturation technique is also used in brain washing. If you look at the surface of something and it is beautiful and shiny just take the time to look inside and ask yourself “what is it saying?”, “What is it asking?” and most important, ” Does it move my heart or soul or mind?”

I hope everyone enjoys as I do the opportunity to experience new music and listen to what other people are listening to. Maybe, just maybe you will get that new great music feeling. You know the one. The one were you heart races a little, the hair stands up on the back of you neck and you have to call your best friend and tell them to get this music now.

Use you head for more than a hat rack, Love, The Witchking of Angmar