Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I Love Me......A LOT.

Ok so if you read this damn thing you would have read my last two posts and then asked yourself "what the hell is he talking about, it's only been a couple of months between posts." Since I know there are a lot of people that check this out, I'm sorry for any confussions.

Now that was taken care of. Nash and I went to L.A to finish up the rest of her paperwork for her work permit. In about a months time she'll be able to start working. That is going to be most helpful for us. I hope by this time next year to be in our own place.

I think my boss wants to invite Uriel and myself out to go fishing with him on his boat one Saturday nite. I'm not sure if he wants me to go or not.....he hasn't asked me but talk to Uriel about it. I don't think I'd go anyways, I'm not the kind that would spend time with people outside of work. I don't know...if anyone reads this and have an opinon please let me hear it.

Well I guess it's time for bed now.....well at least head to bed and watch the rest of the Angeles game and relax.

Nite Nite Kiddies!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

If he invites you, you should go (at least, if Uriel goes). Even if it's just to get to know your boss outside of work, it might give you a chance to get to know him a little better, if you think you're gonna be stuck there for a while. Maybe even a raise, or at least a little more respect from the guy who signs your paychecks.