Friday, July 15, 2005

A realy long time from now......

O.K. I know it's been almost 4 months since my last confession and I'm sorry. Since my last post a lot has happend. I bought a new truck, the White Stripes album came (it's fucking GREAT by the way), my dad moved closer to me, I still hate my job, my wifes paperwork will be finished on Sat. 07/16/05, and some other small things that I can't think of.

I'm gonna try and be a bit more up-to-date with this thing, so that the 3 or 4 people that read this know what's going on with me....(even though 2 of those people I talk to and see all the time).

So I hope all is I said I want to try and keep this up...I'm gonna talk to Jeff and see if he'll teach me some things to do on here so I can make this page a lot more interesting and fun.

Ok Ta Ta for now Kiddies

De Boll Weevil

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