Sunday, September 11, 2005

To all my fans...all Zero of Ya.....Yeah Baby Yeah!

What up everyone so I thought I'd take a second and write some shit down that I want to write down. So here it goes.....

Ok first I'm gonna do a little movie review....Nash and I over the past few weeks have watched a shit load of movies. So I thought I'd share my thoughts about them.

The Grudge-Not as scary as they want to make it out to be honest I thought I was kidda boring. Mabye the Orignal is better.

Ladder 49- What a great fucking movies. This one is a keeper. I even cried (fuck anyone that has a problem with that). Everyone in the movie does a great job. SEE THIS MOVIE.

Dairy of a Mad Black Wowan- This movie is not a full-fleged comedy but was not bad..Nash really liked it.

Ring 2- Same thing as the Grudge.

Kings Ransome- It was sort of funny, would not have seen it in the theaters.

King Arthur- I liked this movie. Anyone that likes Clive Owen should mos def. check this one out. I'd say see this one.

The Village- Well this one in my opion is at best O.K. I really liked M's two movies before this one...Signs and these two but skip the Village.

Sideways- What a great fucking movie. Paul Giamatti dose such a great job. I've never seen a movie where Paul was not excellent. Once again not a full comedy. SEE THIS MOVIE.

Their are other movies but for the life of me I can't think of them right now. So I'll continue this when I can.

Outside of all this not much else going on. Still wanting to find a new job and work is still shit but what can you do. Nash is working on Sundays now helping take care of a 95 year old lady. So that's going to be a little bit more money for us, but still not enough....soon very soon.

Ok kiddes I shall talk to you soon

De Boll Weevil

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